Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Self efficacy? What's that?

Self efficacy is believing that whatever situation you are put into, you can do it. No matter how small things may seem or large you are and can always be in control of your life, at least. Missed the train? So what. There's another one after it. Don't have enough time? Take a cab, call a relaive/friend, ride a bicycle, walk, or even run! For the larger issues, rememember that you can turn it all around. If not, then retreat, evaluate, and strike back. That didn't work? Well, it wasn't meant to be. Let it go. Detach yourself. You will save yourself energy, and strength. No matter how our "problems" seem to be, you can always make it smaller. How? Divert your attention elsewhere. Focus on something else that is more productive. At the end, its all energy. You focus more on "problems" you get more of it, and you end up in a spiral of thought. Break it, release yourself and set free. Once you are open to everything around you. everything will same as a miracle. Who said it didn't?

Work your listening

Some Instrumentals from a genius that I never knew about until a few months ago. A friend had told me about him. Mos Def.

Mos Def - Respiration (Instrumental)

Mos Def - The Panties (Instrumental.)

Imagine it?

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein.

We often daydream a lot, at least I do. But, have you ever wondered how you can turn this load of graphical wrapped with some mysticism energy into something more... affective? I know! Try visualization. For the people that never came across this, it is using this energy by periodically imaging yourself doing something you are passionate about, the life you always wished for, etc. However, to truly experience visualizing you ought to do something. 1) Have that picture in your mind. 2) associate it with a feeling because, the greater the feeling the more intense the visualization is thus the probability of it occuring increases. 3) Using the picture and feeling, live this moment. If you do. Please, share your experience!

Something that enticed me: Will Smith about The Secret

WORD of the week

petitio principii
(peh-tish'-ee-oh prin-sip'-ee-eye) n. a logical fallacy in which a premise is assumed to be true without warrant, or in which what is to be proved is implicitly taken for granted.

FACT: Did you know?

You know the handshakes that we greet with our right hands? Before striking a conversation, right? Well, turns out that it was first used as a signal to a stranger that you do not carry a gun! Now, 9 out of 10 times you would assume (whoever the handshaker) is nice. How ironic!

p.s. I got this piece of information from watching Contagion.

Spill it out

You know your ABC's, don't you? Just as simple as that. Now, convert this "nature-knowingness" but, add your thinking caps. What is it that you believe the world should have? (anything from subjective to objective answers i.e. personal, materialistic, etc etc.)